Gerry Florida and Studio Blue Receive Awards

I was surprised and honored that I also received an award during the Juvenile Justice Week Ceremony held at the Family Division Courthouse last night. Probation, Attorneys, and Judges attended the event as Judge Jennifer McCrady and I passed out over 20 awards to the youth who worked on Studio Blue projects. I was honored to be one of the speakers at the
event to speak about the birth and history of Studio Blue which I started in 2016… and afterward, I was humbled and honored when Juvenile Probation also gave an award to me during the ceremony. A beautiful and touching event to see kids receive awards in the same building that judges them. What a beautiful rebuttal!

Mike Gable of Construction Junction, where we have our satellite site, was there and posted this article on his website

Photo of the Allegheny County Juvenile Probation Certificate of Recognition, to Gerry Florida

I was honored and surprised when I received this award at the Juvenile Justice Week Award ceremony!